SEOnaut Support

If you need to contact support or reach out to me, the most effective method is to send an email to

To ensure a quick resolution to your issue, please include as much relevant information as possible in your email, such as screenshots, the URL of the site you are auditing, your crawler settings, and any other details that may be related to your problem.

If you are self-hosting your own copy of the software, please make sure you are using the most recent version available and use the Github Issues to report problems or request new features. And check out the Contributing if you want to contribute to the source code.

SEOnaut crawls websites using a bot called SEOnautBot. For more information about it, please visit the SEOnautBot information page.


The SEOnaut source code is provided for free licensed under the MIT license.

If you are a developer and want to contribute to the source code, please check the contributing guidelines.